Question and Answer

Gear-to-Go Booking and Scanning Tech Quick Reference Guide

With the implementation of Gear-to-Go new workflows have been put into place. This FAQ highlights the workflows you will encounter most often at the Desk. For more in depth information please refer to the D2L documentation under Fulfillment > Technology Bookings.

Checking Patron Accounts:

  • Scan their CatCard in the “Manage Patron Services” tab
    • The patron account should have a note indicating that their item is ready


  • You will verify their reservation by clicking on the “Requests” tab and finding the listed item
    • If additional verification is needed, you can request that the patron show you the email
      confirming their request



Head to the Bookings rack and check the Name tags to make sure you are pulling the right item:

  • Examine the item to make sure it functions and that all of its components are in place
  • Then you can check the item out to the patron’s account and discard the Name Slip originally attached to the item

Then you can check the item out to the patron’s account and discard the Na

Scanning in Technology Items: 

Make sure your desk location is set to: Main Library – Main Library, 1st Floor

  1. Start at Fulfillment tab
  2. Select “Scan in Items” option
  3. Set “Place Directly on Hold Shelf” button to NO                                                                                                               
  4. Set “Automatically print slip” to YES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  5. Scan in the item
  6. Check the “Request/Process Type” field in the Scan in Items list to see if the item has a Booking Request 
  7. If the item has a Booking Request, use information from the “Requester” field to create a name card for the item. (hint: last 4 of catcard can be found by clicking the info card under Requester’s name)
  8. If the item does require reimaging or recharging, place the item and the name card on the reimaging rack to get it ready. These items will not go into a normal reimaging work order.
    1. When the item is ready to circulate, scam in the item with “Place directly on hold shelf” set to YES to notify the patron and move it to “On Hold Shelf” in Alma.                                                                                               
    2. Move the item and the name card to the Bookings Rack.
    3. Set “Place Directly on hold shelf button” back to no.
  9. If the item doesn’t require any charging or reimaging and can immediately circulate:
    1. Set the “Place directly on hold shelf’ button to YES
    2. Scan item in to notify patron
    3. Place item and name card on Bookings Rack
    4. Set “Place directly on hold shelf” button back to the default “NO”




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