Question and Answer

Handling Difficult, Inappropriate, or Unwanted Patron Interactions


Unwanted behavior can range from customers with poor boundaries asking personal questions to explicit or threatening messages, and everything in between. You can adjust your language to the situation.


Be clear and direct when handling these conversations. Inform the customer that their behavior is inappropriate and ask them to stop. If they continue, let them know that you will be ending the conversation.


Phrases you can use when responding to these types of interactions in-person, on chat, or over the phone: 

  • Do you have a library related question I can help with?
  • That language is not appropriate. If you continue, I will end this conversation.
  • I have helped you as much as I can. Goodbye.
  • I am disconnecting this chat/call. Do not contact us again. 

Please note that inappropriate customer behavior is not considered harassment if we have not followed the two-step process of:

  • Informing the customer that their behavior is unwanted.
  • Asking them to stop.
  • Hang up or disengage after you have stated this. Do not continue to engage with the individual.


It is very important we follow this process every time.


If you have followed this two-step process, and the patron continues to contact staff through chat, ban the patron's IP address, and notify Katie Young and your direct supervisor that they have been blocked for the day. Include the IP address in the advocate report. 


Additionally, please know we respond to inappropriate, unwanted, or harassing messages in the same manner whether the messages are received via in-person, phone or chat. If you receive ongoing harassment, do not engage after you have already informed the customer the behavior is inappropriate. Immediately end the chat or hang up the phone. If the interaction is in-person, you can ask the patron to leave the libraries for the day. 


Once the interaction is over, please notify your direct supervisor.

Handling Interactions Referencing Self-Harm

When someone threatens self-harm, try to make a referral to the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988)                                                                          If you know the person in question is a student, you can also refer them to CAPS 

When an Interaction takes place :

  • Try to get the person's name and note their phone number (or any other relevant details)
  • Call the Non-emergency UAPD Line (520) 621-8273
    • Let dispatch know that we've received a suicide threat, and specifically state that you would like an officer to follow up with the situation.
  • Document all details in Advocate as soon as possible.

Ella Peterson receives all Advocate alerts. As needed, she will work with Lt. Mendoza and /or Travis Teetor to determine whether additional action is required. If you feel a situation merits more immediate notification of other site, send a quick follow up email calling attention to the advocate AllAIS.



(As these entries are updated - Inform Ops Student Managers for their documentation)

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