Question and Answer

How do I transition from RefWorks to another citation management tool?

The University of Arizona Libraries subscription to RefWorks will end on March 31, 2021. All users who want to keep citations and PDFs stored in RefWorks must transfer them to an alternate citation manager. After March 31, UA users’ RefWorks accounts will be permanently inaccessible. 

Transition Overview

  1. Go to the  RefWorks Transition Guide for help
  2. Determine your version.
  3. Decide which citation manager you would like to use and create an account. Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote are common alternatives to RefWorks.
  4. Export your citations from RefWorks.
  5. Import them to your chosen citation manager.
  6. Stuck or confused? Please contact us via phone, email, chat, or in person. We will troubleshoot the process and assist you with your new citation manager.


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