Use the UA Theses & Dissertations Repository, to locate UA dissertations and masters theses submitted to the library from 1895-present. You can browse or search by title.
You can also search for dissertations published by advisor and discipline by selecting the options that display on the lower left.
Use ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, to locate dissertations and masters theses from North American and European colleges and universities, including the University of Arizona. You can search by keyword or use the dropdown menus to search by university, advisor, author, department, and a number of other options.
Use the UA Theses & Dissertations Repository, to locate UA dissertations and masters theses submitted to the library from 1895-present. You can browse or search by title.
You can also search for dissertations published by advisor and discipline by selecting the options that display on the lower left.
Use ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, to locate dissertations and masters theses from North American and European colleges and universities, including the University of Arizona. You can search by keyword or use the dropdown menus to search by university, advisor, author, department, and a number of other options.